Mobile settlement (mobile and smart phone settlements) is a solution for credit card settlement in all sorts of businesses which require payment by credit card. MAXCONNECT provides the credit card settlement service which enables payment by mobile phone.
A good credit settlement service is the settlement that is able to increase merchants’ sales. MAXCONNECT provides fast, secure and easy settlement service with a low settlement fee.
Our credit settlement services with high security functions are able to increase the merchants` sales..
Sales increased after implementing credit card settlement
MAXCONNECT’s mobile settlement service is a credit card settlement service that can be easily used on usual mobile phones, smart phones and tablets. This service can be used anywhere nationwide as long as your mobile phone gets connected. Moreover, customers will feel safer if the mobile credit settlement is performed in front of customers.
MAXCONNECT’s mobile settlement service offers a variety of screen patterns to choose from for each individual merchant.
MAXCONNECT’s auto-confirmation email will be sent to customers and merchants automatically after the settlement has been approved.
MAXCONNECT provides encrypted settlements and network communication using SSL for security.
Our settlement system is complied with the PCI DSS! We are continuously working to improve our security.
